Week 7: Version Control

This week’s topic was Version Control and why it is essential for development. While reading this week’s material, mostly around developers, it got me thinking, how about designers? The evolution of design tools For Version Control, Git is a popular choice...

Week 8: Research

This week’s topic was about how we approach research ethics and care for our participants. We also learned how we ranked the risk level based on the Falmouth University Integrity and Ethics policy. The articles and the references provided in this week’s...

Week 9: Communities of Practice

In week 7’s journal entry, I shared the evolution of design tools and workflow, which I have experienced throughout my journey to a UX designer. After watching the presentation by Professor Heidi Ellis[1], I wanted to research some open-source projects related...

Week 10: Agile Practice

When I started at jobsDB.com back in 2012, it was a young product team. As an Art Director, my first project was to introduce a new brand and design system requiring the dev team to change every page on the website. That was a painful process. The visual design team...

Week 11: Real WORKS

Real WROKS is an employment platform by Falmouth University, where students can find resources and opportunities to help their job search journey upon graduation.  I didn’t have the time I needed to complete the Art of the Approach curriculum yet. I was a bit...

Week 12: Finale

Happy New Year! I finally made it to the last week’s topic of the Development Practice module. It was a great twelve weeks. Before this module, I didn’t expect to reflect on myself so much. As the last episode of this module, I would like to reflect on my...